December 25, 2017
Moscow Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences.
Having all the time my thoughts to my mother and her beautiful flower garden, and how much she would be loved to see all this beauty.
July 31, 2017
Roving thoughts. Illustrated. With cats.
A few thoughts, crossing my mind, while stepping on the ‘Road 66’.
March 2016:
Armonia Choir Liturgical Concert, March 2010, Quebec
Video and description of the Liturgical Concert of Armonia Choir, choir of the Romanian Orthodox Mission Saints Apostles Peter and Paul, from Quebec
December 2015: Blog premiere : About the Longing
A good while ago, a distinguished lady, fellow villager, former school colleague, named Doina Dobreanu asked me if I want to contribute with an interview for the book she was writing. The book is called “At the roots, at origins … Talks at Subcetate”. In the book, Doina gathered the thoughts of a number of people born in Subcetate and spread through the world, in different places, or have come back, or stayed in this unique place in the world, named Subcetate. I have not deigned to help. “The thoughts gatherer” planned, however, a second volume, and that’s how I finally got interviewed.
Many friends, speaking other languages than Romanian asked how could they read the book. I promised to translate my interview, the entire book being beyond my language skills. Undoubtedly, the entire book deserves to be translated. All three volumes! Ah, yes I forget to say, Doina still continued: she reached the 3rd volume!

It took me almost a year, but yes, finally I have translated it; with the valuable and high quality assistance from real professionals, passionate of French and English literature.
And so, I get to be a blogger!
Enjoy the reading !